We offer various courses, but we can also tailor courses for your company!
The course is designed for newcomers in the waste management industry or individuals seeking a comprehensive introduction to waste and recycling. Acquire in-depth knowledge about the industry from our instructors Henrik Lystad and Bjørn Kopstad. We offer this course every quarter. The duration is 5 hours, including breaks.
- 14. januar (digitalt)
- 29. april (digitalt)
Fra 2025 må virksomheter kildesortere papp/papir, glass- og metallemballasje og tekstilavfall. Disse kravene kommer i tillegg til kravet om å kildesortere mat- og plastavfall som kom i 2023.
Lær deg hvilke krav som gjelder for avfallshåndtering, hva som skjer med avfallet og hvordan du skal nå målene for din virksomhet. Kurset er lagd i samarbeid med Quality Norway. Passer ikke datoene, kan vi gjennomføre kurs hos din bedrift (for minimum 10 personer).
The requirements for assessing and safeguarding biological factors apply to various aspects for those working with different types of waste. This course provides you with insights to understand what is applicable and what actions can be taken. Duration is 3 hours, including breaks and discussions.
- 2. april 2025
In collaboration with Karina Ødegård from Sintef Norlab, Norwaste has developed a course to provide an understanding of how to plan and work towards managing odor emissions, including odor treatment, internal control systems, and risk communication. The course is suitable for operations managers at waste reception/facilities, business leaders, environmental authorities, and municipal planners. Express your interest using the form below, and we will reach out regarding course dates once there are enough interested participants (a minimum of 5 individuals).
We are open to suggestions regarding the development of new courses. Please contact post@norwaste.no if you wish to have a course tailored to your company.