Modern waste management = a great plan
Why is waste suction a good collectionsystem for waste?
Development of infrastructure cities and residental areas require good planning. Much of the infrastructure is best kept buried below ground level, waste handling infrastructure is no exception.
In accordance with national guidelines concerning the COVID-19 pandemic we are altering the seminar we announced this spring. The seminar will be held digitally the 27th of October. You will learn about the different upsides of waste suction solutions, the required conditions to establish waste suction, and how you should start the planning of waste suction infrastructure. The seminar will also touch on the importance of good planning of infrastructure for collection of waste in construction and development projects.
The seminar will last 1 day. Whilst no on-site excursion will be possible, we will compensate with a digital excursion with Martin Frilseth haugen from ROAF as leading actor.
Revised program available at NKFs webpages..
You can also Sign up for the event here..
For more information on submerged waste suction solutions contact Malin Granlund or see:
Article authored by senior advisor Malin Granlund in Kommunalteknikk #2/2020 page 42.
Recording of teaser-webinar as an introduction to the seminar. on youtube.
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