A feasibility study
The project on the subject of pyrolysis of mixed plastics was conducted with funding from the Norwegian Retailers' Environment Fund in collaboration with the Plastic REVolution FOundation, ROAF and IVAR, the latter two operating large municipal sorting facilities for municipal solid waste.
(Read: Is material recycling of mixed plastic waste by pyrolysis within reach?).
The project summarizes the developments and possibilities for material recycling of mixed plastics in a pyrolysis process. investigated.
The report describes the legal framework for material recycling by pyrolysis in the EEA, the technology and key market actors. Additionally representative sample material was extracted from the sorting facilities of IVAR and ROAF for testing. Today these materials are destined for energy recycling through incineration.
The potential benefits of pyrolysis are greatest for materials where conventional mechanical recycling is not feasible, and but the quality and purity of the plastics don't limit yield. If pyrolysis of mixed plastics succeeds with acceptable yields, and the reuslting pyrolysis products are suitable for production of new plastics a high demand for pyrolysis processing is expected, especially in Norway and other EEA countries as the strict goals of material recycling of packaging from the European Union will be difficult to reach with mechanical recycling alone.
Download the report: Report 5 2020: Possibilities for pyrolysis of mixed plastics
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