Norwaste employees and affiliates possess cutting-edge expertise and acquired experience that can help you make the right decisions.

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Henrik Lystad

[CEO / Partner]

Henrik Lystad has long experience and in-depth knowledge of the industry from 16 years in Avfall Norge. Henrik has been involved in framework conditions and interest policy work in waste management and circular economics in Norway and the EU. He has been involved in a number of activities related to, among other things, waste collection, procurement, producer responsibility development, biogas and composting, energy recovery, material recycling and landfilling, as well as marine waste and waste management in developing countries.

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Bjørn Kopstad


Bjørn Kopstad started in the trade association MEF in the early 1990s, and represented the private waste management companies in Norway through to the political processes that led to the new waste policy in the EU and Norway. Bjørn then worked for almost 18 years in various leading positions in the Norsk Gjenvinning / Veolia Miljø Group. Bjørn was a member of the executive management board in the Group for many years, including operational and strategic responsibility in various waste value chains. Bjørn's experience extends from development responsibilities to eg. plastics and recovered paper through the management of many operating regions with sales departments, customer centers, transport operations and sorting facilities. He was, for many years, responsible for outbound sales and recovered paper and plastics from the Group to Europe and Asia. He also built up the Group's household waste collection operations in Norway and Sweden.

Line Blytt

[Senior Consultant]

With 20 years experience within treatment, quality and utilization of organic wastes, Line strives to put the best handling of organic waste, food waste and bio-solids on the map, both nationally and internationally. She led the project which allowed norwegian compostingplants to continue expedient operation after the introduction of the new Animal By-product Regulation in Norway. She has worked at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences as a researcher, at the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, COWI, and lastly in Aquateam COWI as CEO. With significant experience within risk assessment, field surveys, environmental monitoring and technology assessment, and next to unrivaled knowledge on the rules that regulate nutritients, treatment, pollution, and quality on solid end product Line can identify the risks and pitfalls in an early phase so that your project succeeds.

Lars Haug Andersen

[Senior Consultant]

Lars Haug Andersen har bred erfaring innen miljø og avfallshåndtering, med en mastergrad i miljøtoksikologi og forurensningskjemi fra NTNU. Han startet sin karriere i Statens forurensningstilsyn (nå Miljødirektoratet), der han arbeidet med regulering av kjemikalier og konsesjonsbehandling for farlig avfall. Senere jobbet han som miljøingeniør innen riving av offshore installasjoner. Lars har også lang erfaring fra Renovasjonsetaten i Oslo kommune, hvor han bidro til utvikling av strategier for avfallshåndtering og sirkulær økonomi, med særlig fokus på farlig avfall, plast og kvalitetsstyring. I tillegg har han vært prosjektleder og rådgiver i NIRAS, med hovedfokus på innovative avfallsløsninger, ombrukspotensial og miljøkartlegging.

Ine Geitung


Ine Geitung holds a Master's degree in Human Geography from the University of Oslo. She has previously worked in the Waste and Recycling Department of the Municipality of Oslo, overseeing waste management and service development within waste disposal. She has particularly been involved in implementing source separation in Oslo's schools and utilizing RFID technology in waste collection.

Eskild Mork Aamodt


Eskild Mork Aamodt holds a Master's degree in International Business from Copenhagen Business School. Previously, he worked as the Procurement Director at Felleskjøpet, where his responsibilities encompassed waste management services and leadership of a significant project in the field of circular agricultural plastics. As the project leader for Felleskjøpet's circular plastic initiative, he gained experience in designing return solutions, recycling agricultural plastics, and developed a strong understanding of extended producer responsibility programs. Furthermore, Eskild transitioned to AION, where he excelled in sales, business development, and project management. His profound comprehension of the circular economy and the waste management industry provides him with a robust foundation for advancing sustainable business models.

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Anneli Kolås


Anneli has a Master's degree in Industrial Ecology from NTNU, complemented by a Bachelor's degree in Building Design from UiA. She has actively engaged in waste categorization on behalf of Trondheim Municipality and has conducted a master's thesis centered around topics of reuse and the circular economy.  Anneli startet i Norwaste i 2022 og har vært prosjektleder på flere plukkanalyser. I tillegg til plukkanalyser for husholdningsavfall, har hun erfaring med gjennomføring av plukkanalyser for næringsavfall og forsøpling langs veg og returpunkt.

Emma Rennan

[Junior Consultant]

Emma Rennan har en mastergrad i International Environmental Studies fra NMBU. Gjennom studiene har hun tilegnet seg kunnskap fra et bredt spekter av klima- og miljøproblemstillinger. Ved siden av studiene har hun  vært praktikant i miljøstiftelsen ZERO, hvor hun arbeidet hovedsakelig med energisystemer og konferansekoordinering. Emma har vært prosjektleder på flere plukkanalyser av husholdningsavfall og gjenvinningsstasjon. 

Johannes Gustavsen


Johannes Gustavsen er analytiker hos Norwaste, med en solid akademisk bakgrunn innen samfunnsøkonomi og miljø- og naturressursøkonomi. Han har en bachelorgrad fra Universitetet i Oslo og en mastergrad fra Københavns Universitet. Johannes brenner for bærekraftige løsninger innen avfallshåndtering og sirkulærøkonomi.

Toralf Igesund

[Senior Consultant]

Toralf Igesund has over 40 years of industry experience and is passionate about innovation and collaboration with startups to develop circular value chains. He previously held a position as a senior consultant at BIR AS for 30 years. Igesund holds a degree in civil engineering from NTH/NTNU. He has been involved in the implementation of source sorting, construction of treatment facilities, and influencing regulatory frameworks. Igesund has held numerous positions in industry organizations and has participated in various domestic and international organizations and projects. He is dedicated to fostering innovation and collaboration with startups to develop circular value chains.

Trond Børge Sille

[Senior Consultant]

Trond Børge Sille brings extensive experience in targeted improvement efforts and optimization of waste management contracts, along with identifying potential new contract areas in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. He has also been responsible for launching new waste management contracts, which includes tasks such as procuring vehicles, identifying suitable locations, recruiting operations managers and waste collectors, as well as participating in route planning for new contract areas. Trond Børge Sille was a member of the Norwegian Recycling's waste management leadership team from 2012 to 2022.


Knut Bakkejord

[Senior Consultant]

Knut Bakkejord has closely followed the waste industry for 30 years and, in addition to working for a long time in the municipality of Trondheim, he has a broad background from a number of employers in the state and private sector as well as NTNU. In Trondheim, Knut has been responsible for waste management in the municipality for many years and in recent years he has been the project manager for the development of a sorting facility and associated waste strategy for Central Norway, as well as a new waste plan for Trondheim municipality.

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