Mini-conference: Coastal Transport and Circular Value Chains for Waste
On October 25th, Norwaste and the Port of Oslo invite you to a conference on coastal transport and circular value chains for waste – Does the circular economy change transportation needs?
On October 25th, Norwaste and the Port of Oslo invite you to a conference on coastal transport and circular value chains for waste – Does the circular economy change transportation needs?

 The conference is free of charge and 
will be held at the Port of Oslo's premisesSkur 38 Hovedkontor, Akershusstranda 19)  from 11:00 to 15:45.
Space is limited, so don't hesitate to sign up! To participate in the conference, you can register via the form provided here. here (only in Norwegian)
The deadline for registration is October 20th.

 About the conferance

Increased requirements for source sorting and post-treatment are changing transportation needs and value chains for waste streams. The changes in value chains are unclear, and there is a need for increased expertise on transportation requirements. The Coastal Transport project invites you to a conference on this topic in Oslo on October 25th. There will be presentations on how current transportation models address the changing transportation needs in the circular economy. Several industry presentations will cover circular value chains in practice. Project partners will also present key messages from the project. We hope you can join us!



11.00 – 11.30 Lunsj og mingling

11.30 – 11.45 Åpning og velkommen – Sirkulærøkonomi ved havner, Carl Johan Hatteland, ved Oslo havn

11.45 – 12.00 Endrede krav til avfallshåndtering og sirkulærøkonomi ved Henrik Lystad, Norwaste

12.00 – 12.20 Hvordan fanger dagens transportmodeller opp det endret transportbehovet i sirkulærøkonomien? Inger Beate Hovi, Forskningsleder Næringsøkonomi og godstransport, Transportøkonomisk institutt

12.20 – 12.40 Sirkulærøkonomi i Oslo kommune, ved Hans Petter Karlsen, Renovasjons- og gjenvinningsetaten, Oslo kommune

12.40 – 13.00 Norwaste presenterer nøkkelbudskap og hovedfunn i prosjektet, ved Ine Geitung, Norwaste

13.00 – 13.20 Pause

13.20 – 13.40 Innlegg fra bransjen – Scan Logistic Partner – Sjøtransport av avfall – Kenneth Lindquist

13.40 – 14.00 Innlegg fra bransjen – Samskip / Norlines –  Bærekraftig avfallslogistikk – Are Grathen

14.00 – 14.20 Innlegg fra bransjen – Geminor – Flytte avfall i avfallshierakiet – Bjørn Håland

14.20 – 14.30 Pause

14.30 – 14.45 Innlegg fra organisasjonene – Samfunnsbedriftene Avfall og ressurs ved Johanne Solheim

14.45 – 15.00 Innlegg fra organisasjonene – Avfall Norge

15.00 – 15.15 Innlegg fra organisasjonene – Samfunnsbedriftene Norske Havner ved Arnt-Einar Litsheim

15.15 – 15.30 Innlegg fra organisasjonene  – Kystrederiene

15.30 – 15.45 Avslutning

About the project:

Coastal Transport 3 has been initiated by the Port of Oslo as a follow-up to the Port of Oslo's previous projects, Coastal Transport 1 and 2. The project is supported by Klimasats. Its goal is to develop collaboration between ports and waste holders and explore the potential for maritime-based logistics to reduce carbon emissions and increase recycling of waste materials. The project focuses on three case municipalities: Oslo, Harstad, and Vadsø. These municipalities represent a wide spectrum of Norwegian municipalities, showcasing their diversity.


Participants in the project:

The project includes participants from Hålogaland Resource Company, Harstad Port, Waste Management and Recycling Agency in Oslo, Port of Oslo, Vadsø Municipality, Vadsø Port, Waste and Resource, Norwegian Ports (Social Enterprises), Waste Norway, and Coastal Shipping Companies. Additionally, the project coordinates with Narvik Port's project "Circular Port Initiative." 
